Hi folks,
sorry for not posting for some time now but you see being a mom is not an easy task. So today I would like to show you the house of dubai based interior designer Devjani cox.
She has got the mmost wonderfull home and what is more special is that she has tried to keep every thing as simple but still so good.
The entrance area has a display of quirky political South Indian posters which were acquired from a corner shop in Chennai.
Dark wood floors were used in the living room with Edelman suede sofas. A triptych made by Devjani and cartoonist Hadi Farahani presides over the space.
Another corner of the living area showcases more art and crafts, housing a chaise longue by Aati.
"I do not like over-precious interiors; furniture and objects, however expensive, are to be used, not to be watched over," says Devjani.
In the master bedroom, two large canvases by Dubai-based painter Seemita Roy are showcased over a bed by Aati.
Dont you wish you were here.
Isn't this a wonderufl house. I love homes with big gardens, you can do so much there.
I hope you liked this and see you soon